L’histoire des soins de santé catholiques au Canada remonte à plus de 400 ans, soit avant même la création du pays. Les congrégations de religieuses, des femmes braves et courageuses qui ont sillonné notre pays pour s’occuper de toutes les personnes dans le besoin, ont jeté les bases du système de santé et de services sociaux actuel. La présente collection réunit un ensemble exhaustif d’ouvrages qui retracent notre histoire, qui replacent notre évolution dans son contexte et qui éclairent l’héritage auquel nous continuons à travailler aujourd’hui
Collection de ressources historiques composée de plus de 600 livres, dépliants et vidéos qui retracent l’histoire des hôpitaux et des écoles de sciences infirmières catholiques au Canada dans chaque province et territoire qui ont été fondés par plus de 50 congrégations de religieuses et deux congrégations de religieux.
Les ouvrages de cette collection et leur description apparaissent dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été publiés.
The Spirit of St. Vincent’s Hospital: A Celebration of 65 Years of Service. (142 pages with illustrations) Echo Books, Vancouver, 2005.
Centre Hospitalier de l’Archipel Le cinquantenaire: Centre Hospitalier de l’Archipel, 1938-1988. Iles-de-la-Madeleine. (52 pages) 1988. (Originally named Hôpital Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde)
Vilna - Our Lady’s Hospital: A collection of articles from the Sisters of Service congregational publication “Field at Home”, edited by Greg J. Humbert (29 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Westlock - Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul: Immaculata Hospital, Westlock, Alberta 50th Anniversary 1927-1977 (21 pages with illustrations) 1977.
Willingdon - Mary Immaculate Hospital, Willingdon, Alberta. Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate: 1935-1985 (32 pages with illustrations) 1985.
Saskatchewan - Castonguay,Thérèse (SGM). A Leap of Faith: The Grey Nuns Ministries in Western and Northern Canada. Vol. 2: The Grey Nuns in Northern Saskatchewan, Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese and Zaire. (384 pages with illustrations) © 2001 The Grey Nuns of Alberta. 2001. Used with permission.
Saskatchewan - Castonguay,Thérèse (SGM). Un Saut dans la Foi: Les oeuvres des Soeurs Grises dans l'Ouest et le Nord du Canada. Vol. II, Les Soeurs Grises dans le Nord de la Saskatchewan, le Diocèse Mackenzie-Fort Smith et le Zaire. (303 pages avec illustrations) © Droits d'auteur 2003 par les Soeurs Grises de Montréal. 2003. Used with permission.
Saskatchewan Catholic Hospitals, Catholic Health Association of Saskatchewan, 2011
Cudworth - St. Michael's Hospital, Cudworth, Saskatchewan 1926-1976: Commemorating fifty years of service of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth at St. Michael's Hospital (56 pages with illustrations) 1976.
Estevan - St. Joseph's Hospital: 1938-1942 - The Love of Christ Has Gathered Us Together, Estevan (46 pages with illustrations) 1942.
Gravelbourg - St. Joseph's Hospital, Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan: The Hospital, The Community, The Professional. (14 pages) 1979.
Humboldt - 75 Years of Caring: Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the foundation in Canada of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth and the founding of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Humboldt, Saskatchewan 1911-1986 by Joan Baron OSE (12 pages with illustrations) 1986.
Humboldt - Beati Misericordes: Blessed Are The Merciful - St. Elizabeth’s Hospital School of Nursing 1923-1969 (237 pages with illustrations) © St. Elizabeth 's Hospital Nurses Alumni History Book Committee. 1993. Used with permission.
Macklin - St. Joseph's Hospital: 1927-1977, Macklin (236 pages with illustrations) 1977.
Melville - St. Peter’s Hospital, Melville, Saskatchewan: Fifty Years ~ Golden Anniversary 1940-1990, October 7, 1990. (11 pages with illustrations) 1990.
Melville - St. Peter’s Hospital: Celebrates Fifty Years. The Melville Advance newspaper supplement, Wednesday October 3, 1990 (tabloid, 24 pages with illustration) 1990.
Moose Jaw - Trusting in Providence: 1912-1987, Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (54 pages with illustrations) 1987
Moose Jaw - Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan 75th Anniversary: 1912-1987. The Moose Jaw Times Herald Newspaper Supplement, July 27, 1987 (16 pages with illustrations) 1987.
Moose Jaw - Providence Hospital. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, 75th Anniversary: 1912-1987 (15 pages calendar with illustrations) 1987.
Moose Jaw - Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. 50th Anniversary: 1912-1962 (56 pages with illustrations) 1962.
Prince Albert - Holy Family Hospital: Celebrating Caring, 1910-1985, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. by Monica Plante (62 pages with illustrations) 1985.
Prince Albert - Recollections of a Woman in White - Recollections of the nursing school of Holy Family Hospital, Prince Albert by Alice M. Lalonde (92 pages with illustrations) 1994.
Regina - Regina Grey Nuns Hospital: 1907-1957 (36 pages with illustrations) 1957.
Regina - Regina Grey Nuns Hospital: 60th Anniversary 1907-1967 (18 pages with illustrations) 1967.