The legacy of Catholic health care in Canada is over 400 years strong—older than the country itself. The brave, resourceful congregations of women religious who traversed our country, serving all those in need, laid the foundation for today’s health and social support system. This collection is a comprehensive resource celebrating our history, giving context and light to the legacy we continue to grow today.
A historical resource of over 600 digital history books, booklets and some videos chronicling Catholic hospitals in Canada spanning every province and territory and founded by over 50 congregations of Women Religious and 2 Congregations of Men Religious.
Les Fêtes de l’Hôtel-Dieu en 1909: Pour célébrer le 250e anniversaire de l’arrivée au pays en 1659 (De trois premières Hospitalières de Montréal), by L’abbé Elie J. Auclair, Montréal: Arbour & Dupont (194 pages plus 31 illustrations) 1909.
Histoire de l’Institut Bruchési et son engagement dans la lutte contre la tuberculose à Montréal (1911-1945), par Yves Lajoie, Département d’histoire faculté des arts et des sciences. Mémoire présenté la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de Jobtention du grade de Maître ès arts (M.A.) en histoire. Décembre 2002. © Yves Lajoie. (130 pages) 2002.
British Columbia - Caring and Compassion: A History of the Sisters of St. Ann in Health Care in British Columbia. by Darlene Southwell (296 pages with illustrations) Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd/ Madeira Park, BC. Copyright: © 2011 The Sisters of St. Ann. Used with permission.
CHABC - Catholic Health Association of British Columbia Anniversary Booklet: Living the Mission, 1940-1990 (32 pages with illustrations) 1990.
Comox - St. Joseph’s General Hospital ~ Care with Compassion: 100 Years of Service, 2013 (35 pages with illustrations). 2013.
Fort St. John - Spirit of a Caring Community: 75 Years of the Fort St. John Hospital, 1931-2006. by Chandra Wong (28 pages with illustrations) © Copyright 2006 Fort St. John Hospital Foundation, 2006. Used with permission.
New Westminster - The Life and Destruction of Saint Mary's Hospital, by Jaimie McEvoy (272 pages with illustrations) © Copyright 2008 Saint Mary’s Health Foundation. Used with permission.
Vancouver - Counting the Years unto the year of Jubilee: Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of St. Paul's Hospital, 1894-1944 Vancouver, British Columbia (85 pages with illustrations) 1944.
Vancouver - Holy Family Hospital, Friends of the Family, 50th Anniversary 1947-1997. (May 1997, Volume 6 Issue 2, 12 pages with illustrations) Newspaper Supplement to the Vancouver Echo and the BC Catholic
Vancouver - St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, B.C.: The History of the Medical Staff 1920 – 1940 by W.D. Keith (78 pages with illustrations) 1940.
Vancouver - Keeping the Promise, St. Paul's Hospital: 1894-1994. by Jim Miller. Prepared for St. Paul’s Hospital by Canada Wide Magazines, Burnaby, BC (16 pages with illlustrations) 1994.
Vancouver - Mount Saint Joseph Hospital: 25th Anniversary of Mount Saint Joseph Hospital and the 50th Anniversary of the Arrival in Vancouver of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (14 pages with illustrations) 1971.
Vancouver - Mount St. Joseph Hospital, Chinese Hospital. Foundations, Number One, edited by Greg J. Humbert (13 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Vancouver - Spirit of Discovery: The history of cardiopulmonary pioneers at St. Paul’s Hospital, by Käthe Lemon. (90 pages with illustrations) 2000.
Vancouver - St. Joseph Oriental Hospital, Vancouver. Foundations, Number One. edited by Greg J. Humbert (13 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Vancouver - St. Paul's Hospital: A Proud Tradition of Compassionate Care, 100th anniversary book (254 pages with illustrations), 2007.
Vancouver - St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing: Progress Record Golden Jubilee 1907-1957 (74 pages with illustrations) 1957.
Vancouver - St. Vincent's Hospital, Vancouver 1939-1989, 50 Years of Participating in the Healing Ministry (44 pages with illustrations), 1989.
Victoria - St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria: 1875-1925 (8 pages with illustrations), 1925.
Victoria - St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria: 1875-1929 (48 pages with illustrations), 1929.
Victoria - St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria: In the Service of the Sick, March 19, 1952 (23 pages with illustrations), 1952.
Victoria - St. Joseph's Hospital, Victoria: 100 Years of Service - The Hospital Story (1876-1976) (66 pages with illustrations), 1976.
Victoria - St. Joseph’s Hospital, Victoria, BC: 104 Years of Nursing Care (14 pages with illustrations) 1962.
Victoria - St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing: Thirty-Five Years of Service (1900-1935) (74 pages with illustrations), 1935.