L’histoire des soins de santé catholiques au Canada remonte à plus de 400 ans, soit avant même la création du pays. Les congrégations de religieuses, des femmes braves et courageuses qui ont sillonné notre pays pour s’occuper de toutes les personnes dans le besoin, ont jeté les bases du système de santé et de services sociaux actuel. La présente collection réunit un ensemble exhaustif d’ouvrages qui retracent notre histoire, qui replacent notre évolution dans son contexte et qui éclairent l’héritage auquel nous continuons à travailler aujourd’hui
Collection de ressources historiques composée de plus de 600 livres, dépliants et vidéos qui retracent l’histoire des hôpitaux et des écoles de sciences infirmières catholiques au Canada dans chaque province et territoire qui ont été fondés par plus de 50 congrégations de religieuses et deux congrégations de religieux.
Les ouvrages de cette collection et leur description apparaissent dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été publiés.
The Spirit of St. Vincent’s Hospital: A Celebration of 65 Years of Service. (142 pages with illustrations) Echo Books, Vancouver, 2005.
Centre Hospitalier de l’Archipel Le cinquantenaire: Centre Hospitalier de l’Archipel, 1938-1988. Iles-de-la-Madeleine. (52 pages) 1988. (Originally named Hôpital Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde)
Edmonton General Hospital: 1895-1985, 90th Anniversary, by Ann Ell (40 pages with illustrations) 1985.
Edmonton General Hospital: 1895-1935 (25 pages with illustrations), 1935.
Edmonton - They Who Help Go Forward: Medical Records Librarian's School, 10th Anniversary Souvenir, 1955-1965 Edmonton General Hospital (42 pages with illustrations) 1965.
Edmonton - A History of the Edmonton General Hospital 1895-1970: Be Faithful to the Duties of Your Calling. by Pauline Paul. MA Thesis, Faculty of Nursing University of Alberta (471 pages) © 1994 Pauline Paul. Used with permission.
Edmonton General Hospital School of Nursing: The Golden Years 1911-1961. Published by the Edmonton General Hospital School of Nursing Alumni. (25 pages with illustrations) 1961.
Edmonton - Mustard Plasters to Miracle Drugs: Edmonton General Hospital School of Nursing, 1908-1973. by Ferdi F. Neuman (86 pages with illustrations) Sponsorts by the Alumnae of the Edmonton General Hospital School of Nursing. Copyright 2000 Ferdi F. Neuman. Copyright permission sought but not found.
Edmonton - A Brief History of the Misericordia Hospital: 1900-2000 by John Gilpin (16 pages with illustrations) 2000.
Edmonton - St. Joseph's Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta. Twenty-fifth Anniversary: 1927-1952 (44 pages with illustrations) 1952.
Edmonton - St. Joseph’s Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta. 50th Anniversary: 1927-1977 (10 pages with illustrations) 1977.
Edmonton - St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta. 60th Anniversary: 1927-1987 (10 pages with illustrations) 1987.
Edmonton - St. Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital, Edmonton, 75th Anniversary 2002: A Commemorative History (49 pages with illustrations) 2002.
Edson - St. John's Hospital History. A reprint of an article originally published in 1992 by the Sisters of Service Archives. Foundations #2, edited by Greg J. Humbert (8 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Edson - Sisters of Service, Edson, Alberta: 1926-1976, 50 Years of Service, St. John's Hospital by Sr. Evelyn Tunney, S.O.S. (28 pages with illustrations) 1976.
Edson - Sisters of Service, Edson, Alberta: 1926-1986, 60 Years of Service, St. John's Hospital (25 pages with illustrations) 1986.
Edson - St. John’s Hospital: A collection of articles from the Sisters of Service congregational publication “Field at Home”, edited by Greg J. Humbert (48 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Lethbridge - Out of the Blue: History of St. Michael's School of Nursing, Laboratory & X-ray, 1953-1973. Authors: Julia Demaere; Irene Gruninger; St. Michael's Hospital Nurses Alumnae. Published by St. Michael's Hospital Nurses Alumnae. Printed by Graphcom Printers Limited. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (272 pages with illustrations) 1985.
Mundare - Mary Immaculate Hospital, Mundare, Alberta: 1929-1979, Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, 50th Jubilee (19 pages with illustrations) 1979.
Mundare - Mary Immaculate Hospital:1929-2004. 75th Anniversary (38 pages with illustrations) 2004.
Radway - St. Joseph’s Hospital, Radway, Alberta: To Commemorate 53 Years of Service by the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception Radway Hall ~ April 18th, 1980. Foundations, Number Four, edited by Greg J. Humbert (11 pages with illustrations) 2018.
Trochu - St. Mary's Hospital, Trochu, Alberta: 75 Years of Caring (30 pages with illustrations) 1984.
Vegreville - Memories (Published to commemorate the closing of the hospital's School of Nursing.) St Joseph's General Hospital, Vegreville: edited by Lynn Gillman (66 pages with illustrations) Alumnae. 1971.